Thursday, January 21, 2010

Music Video #1 - Sore by Annuals

My Psych teacher played this video before class today. I really like this song now and although the video is kinda weird, it was still pretty good.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Post #16 - Welcome to a brand new world

Well hello there, have I seen you before? Perhaps I have passed you while walking down the street sometime. did I say hello? Was I nice? No? how unfortunate. Perhaps we can get to know each other soon. Wouldn't that be nice.


So, first post of 2010!! Isn't that exciting? I haven't posted anything in a while, and like a classic blogger I feel it is necessary that I add this next sentence...

I'm sorry that I haven't written anything in a while.

Phew! glad I got that out! It seems that every blogger that hasn't written in a while has to include that sentence in his or her first post after a long break. I didn't want to be the exception...

Anyways, I'm probably boring you to tears right now. Here's a Kleenex. ha ha.


Anyways, you're probably wondering what my new years resolution is, since i managed to keep my last one perfectly. I'm so proud of myself for that one. So my thinking is that since I did do well on my last, this new one must be that much better. O.K. here it is: to apply myself more in school to get a 3.263 GPA this semester and to get more active by going to the gym more often. If all goes according to plan ( as it doubtlessly will. fingers crossed) I will look like a combination of me, Einstein, and this dude....

ha ha. Idk who he is but I would KILL to look like that. (Take a look at me this time next year and I will look like that...


Anyways, there were some more topics that I wanted to post on this post. give me a sec to try and remember what they are.

Uhhh.... sorry still in vacation mode. Ah! Christmas! ha ha. Christmas break was fun. Not amazing fun, just fun. middle kinda fun. I didn't really see anyone except for the three time all month. Three times in a month? that's kinda sad. even for me. I'm sure I can do better next time. So anyways, I got some nice stuff for Christmas. some books that I had wanted. like this one. I love Robert Jordan (The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time))!! Then I also got some American Eagle clothing, which is like the best!! Love that store. I'm afraid I can't recall anything else that I got b/c i forgot. oops. But those were my fav. things anyways.

So I'm taking some more classes this semester, 17 credits up from 13. It should be a challenge, but I'm totally up for it. My classes include: Chem 1128Q, Math 1131Q, Engr 1166, Cse 1010 and Psyc 1100. Unless you go to UCONN you probably don't have any idea what those classes are. I'll explain:
-Foundations of Engineering
-Computer science
-General Psychology
All in all, they will be tough, but interesting. here's to hoping I can keep up!!

So, I recently applied for a summer job at de maximus, inc where my neighbor works. de maximus is a environmental clean-up company that also does various other environmental acts. If I get the job I would be soo excited. I think it would be a great experience for me in my major. Who knows? Fingers crossed

well, that's about it. I can't think of anything else to write, so i'll catch you all up later.


Mood: Relaxed - Just got back from the gym (yes!) and am in a good mood
Music: Pandora, Lady Gaga radio -Love Pandora, and love gaga. She is soo good!!
Location: Dorm room - Chris has like a million friends over.
Later: Work and meeting a friend (hopefully) - First day of work this semester at Putnum. Hope I don't forget everything!!