The A Capella version of this song is so good. I love all their music. Check out their site at: They've got some great hits; their holiday album is hilarious. Check it out!
Hey all,
Basically, Summer 2010 - The College Way is pretty much the same as 2009 - The High School Way. Pretty lame right? Haha, I know. Whatever, I'm used to it and I've got over it.
Well, I guess there are some changes. I now have a job; I'm so happy. Since my Green-card finally came in, I can FINALLY get a job. Getting by on allowance before was SO NOT COOL. I'm currently working (in case you were wondering) at de maximis. it's a pretty cool job, and it pays well. I'm only doing it part time, so I can't really get my hands dirty, but next summer I hopefully will. So, catch up on what you've missed in my life? It's July 2nd as I'm writing this paragraph. Canada day was yesterday. Hooray!! Isn't that exciting? My last informative post was in March, which was quite a while ago. I'm proud to say that since then I have stuck to my new years resolution, to get more in shape. I workout three days a week, which I'm really proud of. I was afraid I would stop over the summer because there was no gym nearby, but i've made due.
So i'm taking two courses over the summer, Calc and Chem. Calc is almost over, and I have a high B+, low A-. I'm so surprised, last semester I had a D+ so as to the change in grade, I have no idea. Chem starts soon, and that's the one I'm worried about. However, if it goes as well as Calc is currently going, I'm sure I should do fine. Here's to hoping that!!
OOf. Music video time. Sorry, random right? Gimme a sec...let me find one....
Uh Oh - Kyrah
Hmm...Ke$ha knock off? It's a good song, but it seems to be a little bit too similar to Ke$ha, topic wise and all. But, not bad. Not bad.
Let's see, I don't have that much else to talk about this time, sorry! I know you're all disappointed, haha.
talk to you all later,
Mood: Sick - Something I ate isn't agreeing with me.
Location: My Room - Like I would be anywhere else
Music: Samba - Is there anything else to listen too?
Big Changes...Stay Tuned
Dear Readers:
There are some big changes going on, and therefore, this blog will also be
changing. So if you arrive at this site lost and confused, once a...
One Day
So I just started this show on MTV called the Buried Life. If you haven't
heard of it, it's basically about what would you do if you had one day to
live bu...
Inept Street Performers
I love a good NY street performer. After all, why not showcase your talent
& make some extra cash. Keep doing your thing Mexican Mariachi band, robot
man, ...
First post!
Hi. You can refer to me as "awesome" from now. First thing's first though.
I always give credit where it's warranted, so to start off I'm giving kudos
to m...
15 years ago
What fictional character would you want to get advice from?
So, what's up with you? Here I am, telling the world everything about ym life here at UCONN and you're just there reading it. You going to tell me anything about your life? No? Scared? I understand. I wouldn't either. Unless I knew you. Stick around; it gets better. Trust me; it will.